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Boss Mallie Chan the OVID — OttO Vector

Boss Mallie Chan the OVID

As promised, we’ve scoured the archives for more OVIDs*…and found a pair that seemed entertaining enough to post!

“Boss,” the first track from 2011’s EP 604, is OV’s super-primitive first attempt at an OVID.  The footage is primarily comprised of Aaron M. Jones’ unused album cover photography for EP 604, with a bit of a sexy alarm clock footage for balance.

No. 9 North’s “Mallie Chan” features a very young John Travolta in outtake footage from the 1980 classic Urban Cowboy.  There are some other ridiculous flourishes as well, we’ll let the video speak for itself.

As always, these videos (and more) are viewable on the OttO Vector YouTube channel.  Enjoy!

*For a refresher on “OVIDs,” be sure to read this delicate missive.