What’s an “OVID?” Ever been to an OttO Vector show? You’ve probably seen these!
Since mid-2012, OttO Vector’s live shows include song-specific visual accompaniment. Each video (affectionately known as an “OVID”) is edited to a particular OttO song, synced to the band’s live performance and displayed via onstage projectors/televisions/etc. at applicable venues. While the OVIDs don’t generally possess the same quality of production as an “official video,” we thought it might be fun to share these live show elements with our online audience.
We’ve got a TON of OVIDs, and will post them online every-so-often. First up: From 2013’s No. 9 North, the “No Coincidence” OVID features time-lapse photography of Detroit’s own Antonio “Shades” Agee painting OttO’s robot mascot.
Disclaimer: The vast majority of OVIDs will be available at OttO Vector shows ONLY. Pop by to check ’em out!